Evaluation of the quality of water balances, obtained using dedicated KYBL software, for different types of mine water systems
02/2021 Instal p. 42-46
Balancing water systems of mines is an important element of activities undertaken by geological services of mines.
Such balances are usually very difficult to carry out by means of direct measurements of water flowing into mine
water systems. Therefore, indirect, computational methods based on mathematical and physical models of water
systems are often used. Such calculations are most often performed with the help of computer software, using
measured values of chemical and physical parameters of water types identified in mine workings areas. One such
program is KYBL, which was developed as a dedicated program to balance any water system based on data
describing the water compositions of those systems. Over the past 15 years, this software has been used to balance
many water systems, mostly open pit and deep mine systems. The presented study attempts to evaluate the quality of
balances performed using this software depending on the types of water systems studied.
About Authors:
dr inż. Światosław Krzeszowski, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0285-0159 – Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Energetyki, Katedra Inżynierii Wody i Ścieków, Politechnika Śląska, Gliwice; Corresponding Author: e-mail: swiatoslaw.krzeszowski@polsl.pl