Tests on shaped compensators used in heating systems made of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride – CPVC
Adam Rubnikowicz, Henryk G. Sabiniak
0000-0002-8185-2293, 0000-0003-1868-380X
7/2020 Instal p.19-23
The use of plastic materials has become a standard in sanitary systems design. Due to numerous advantages of
polymers, heating and hot water systems made of them have become an alternative to the ones made of traditional
materials such as steel or copper.
The values of forces working on particular elements of compensators as well as their displacement result from linear
thermal elongation of segments of the system mounted in fixed supports.
The article presents theoretical considerations on the subject of linear elongations and stress in shaped compensators
that occur during exploitation of heating systems made of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride – CPVC. In order to verify
the results of the theoretical considerations, both the analytical and the numerical ones, a series of fatigue and
destruction experiments were performed in the next stage of the research.
About Authors:
Adam Rubnikowicz, PhD, MSc; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8185-2293 – Institute of Environmental Engineering and Building
Installations, Lodz University of Technology; Correspondence address: adam.rubnikowicz@p.lodz.pl
Henryk G. Sabiniak, Prof.; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1868-380X – Institute of Environmental Engineering and Building Installations,
Lodz University of Technology; Correspondence address: henryk.sabiniak@p.lodz.pl