Specifics of the sewerage in Poland in the context of green infrastructure application
0000-0003-0896-793X, 0000-0001-7710-8982, 0000-0003-3579-5088
10/2021 Instal p. 49-52
DOI 10.36119/15.2021.10.8
The basic features differentiating the sewage disposal systems in Poland from the systems existing in Western countries
have been described. The much greater content of separate systems in the country and the assignment of the entire territory of Poland to the sensitive area in respect of the requirements for parameters of treated wastewater, make the use
of green infrastructure a promising solution in terms of reducing pollution loads discharged into rivers. The use of green
infrastructure may contribute to the improvement of the unsatisfactory condition of surface waters in Poland. Moreover,
it brings numerous other benefits for the inhabitants of urban areas. A comparison of the law requirements to combined
sewerage overflows in selected countries showed that those imposed in our country are very liberal, and the scale of
the impact of emergency discharges from the sanitary sewerage systems on the poor condition of surface waters is not
known. None statistics of such cases are elaborated, due to the current legal rules. All these circumstances and delays
in the construction of retention reservoirs prove the need to improve the quality of surface water, which may be helped
by green infrastructure, the types and distribution of which should result from the solution of optimization tasks.
About Authors:
prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Dąbrowski, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0896-793X – Department of Environmental and Power Engineering, Politechnika Krakowska; dr hab. inż. Michał Zielina, prof. PK, orcid.org/0000-0001-7710-8982 – Department of Environmental and Power Engineering, Politechnika Krakowska; prof. Arthur E. McGarity, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3579-5088 – Department of Engineering, Philadelphia, USA.
Corresponding author: wdabrow@pk.edu.pl